Online Courses

My Life selects quality trainings
for your Personal growth
Here you find the people whom you can share your interest in training with
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About us

Personal growth

Has it ever happened to you to feel potential at various levels but not to know how to express it?

My Life is the traveling companion who suggests possible paths to personal improvement. There is no one way to live in health and well-being: it depends on your needs to choose the right one for you. You are always the one to choose.

Personal growth includes 4 aspects:

  • physical – healthy nutrition, alkaline food and mental movement
  • mental – psychology, NLP, communication and emotional positive thinking
  • emotional – emotional balance and emotional intelligence
  • energetic / spiritual / quantum – meditation, quantum physics and energy techniques

“f you act like you've always done,
you get the results you've always got”

- Albert Einstein

Web TV

MyLife TV is the first WebTV completely dedicated to Personal Growth. In the WebTV you will find thousands of videos with lectures, courses, interviews, talk shows and web series of your favorite authors.

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My Life is the community where you find people like you
with which to share your ideas and receive many free contributions

Web Tv

The great Web TV
of Personal growth

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Hundreds of free eBook 
to download

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with all the news of My Life

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Courses with the best international Trainers

My Life has produced for the first time in Italy workshops
of the main international trainers: Louise Hay, Brian Weiss,
Doreen Virtue, Esther Hicks, Wayne Dyer and other best sellers.

Thanks to My Life you can follow full courses in
the mode you prefer:
• Events - per vivere le emozioni intense in sala
• Online courses - to follow the course from any computer,
smartphones and tablets wherever you are.

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The best trainers
in the world live

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Online Courses

Watch immediately your favorite authors
on PC, smartphone and tablet, wherever you are

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