Online Courses

Angels of Abundance - Online Course

Grant Virtue, Doreen Virtue

Discounted 51% € 97,00 (Instead of € 197,00)
Complete videocourse (5 hours)
Complete audiocourse (5 hours)
PDF certificate

Corso di Certificazione Coach in Assertività - Corso Online

Doreen Virtue

Discounted 51% € 97,00 (Instead of € 197,00)
Complete videocourse (4 hours)
Complete audiocourse (4 hours)
PDF certificate
PDF Manual of 36 pages

Awaken Your Inner Power - Online Course

Dr. Joy Martina, Dr. Roy Martina

Discounted 34% € 197,00 (Instead of € 297,00)
Complete videocourse (14 hours)
Complete audiocourse (14 hours)
PDF certificate

Medita con gli Angeli - Corso Online V2


Discounted 60% € 79,00 (Instead of € 199,00)
Complete videocourse (5 hours)
Complete audiocourse (5 hours)
10 Audio meditation in MP3
PDF certificate

Redesign Your Destiny - Online Course

Dr. Joe Dispenza

Discounted 53% € 349,00 (Instead of € 749,00)
Complete videocourse (9 hours)
Complete audiocourse (9 hours)
3 Audio meditation in MP3
PDF certificate

Cambia l'abitudine di essere te stesso - Meditazioni

Dr. Joe Dispenza

Discounted 26% € 29,00 (Instead of € 39,00)
2 Audio meditation in MP3

Tu sei il placebo - Meditazioni

Dr. Joe Dispenza

Discounted 19% € 29,00 (Instead of € 36,00)
2 Audio meditation in MP3

Il Potere della Pace Interiore - Audio Corso V2

Eckhart Tolle

Discounted 38% € 24,00 (Instead of € 39,00)
Complete audiocourse (2 hours)

Il Potere di Adesso - Audiolibro

Eckhart Tolle

Discounted 41% € 29,00 (Instead of € 49,00)
Complete audiocourse (8 hours)

Chakra Energy - Online Course

Doreen Virtue

€ 297,00
Complete videocourse (8 hours)
Complete audiocourse (8 hours)
10 Audio meditation in MP3
PDF certificate
10 sheets

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