Online Courses

Modulo 2 Oracle Training® - Corso Online

Watch the 4-days incredible online course

To get the most out of the Oracle Masterclass, it is strongly recommended to watch “The Quantum Leap” (first module), and practice the connection meditation plus the Christallin Command. This is essential in learning how to connect to the Higher Self. If you did not attend Quantum Leap Seminar, or if you cannot watch the whole seminar in streaming, thirty days before the start of Oracle Masterclass, you will receive a private link with the indispensable parts of the theory and meditations to be practiced. This link will be valid only until the first day of the Masterclass.

Unlimited vision

This product is currently unavailable

Available also in 5 installments
Click on "Buy Now" and choose your option:

• € 297 in one solution
• 5 monthly installments of € 67 each

For further information call My Life at 0541 341 038
or write an email to [email protected]

Soddisfatti o rimborsati

If you are not completely satisfied within 30 days of your purchase,
My Life will issue a full refund, no questions asked.

Sign up for the online course with all it’s benefits:

  • you have at your disposal the unabridged video and audio of the course
  • you can do the exercises and follow it with your friends and family comfortably at home
  • you get your certificate
  • you get all the course flowcharts
  • if you attend the online course, you will have all the same the possibility to become Oracle Coach (to become Certified Oracle you need to attend 4 online courses)

Joy and Roy are renown for their continuous research into effective, easy ways of accessing healing and balance in life.

No prerequisites are required to follow this workshop and it's open to everyone. Anyone can benefit from this information and to start their own path of healing.


Watch and listen what participants think about the Oracle Masterclass workshop

You will learn how to:
  • feel more grounded or centred
  • access the healing theta brainwave state (used for meditation and healing) quickly
  • cut the links with painful experiences and experience real freedom from the past
  • balance their chakras to access the quantum field of magical manifestation
  • get rid of negative energies that are lowering their vibrational state
  • strengthen the connection with their Higher Self and use this energy for healing (self and others)
  • receive and actually channel messages from the Higher Self for the self & others
  • learn how to do intuitive card readings
  • trust their guidance and discover how to read the messages of the Universe
  • become aligned with their higher purpose and mission
  • learn automatic writing, a form of channeling

By purchasing this workshop, you will have:

Complete videocourse (22 hours)
Complete audiocourse (22 hours)
8 Audio meditation in MP3
PDF certificate
6 sheets

Unlimited vision

This product is currently unavailable

Available also in 5 installments
Click on "Buy Now" and choose your option:

• € 297 in one solution
• 5 monthly installments of € 67 each

For further information call My Life at 0541 341 038
or write an email to [email protected]

Soddisfatti o rimborsati

If you are not completely satisfied within 30 days of your purchase,
My Life will issue a full refund, no questions asked.


The workshop is held in English,
with simultaneous translation in Italian and German

(included in the fee)


Buy this online course and receive also the PDF certificate

Certificato PDF - Masterclass


Become an Oracle Coach

To become Certified Oracle (Oracle Coach)
you need to attend all the 4 modules of Oracle Training®

Certificato PDF - Coach

How the online courses work

#1 Do I need a special device to watch the online courses?
No, you don’t. You can watch the online courses from any computer of any operating system (Mac, Windows).
Just note that the quality of your viewing experience depends on the quality of your Internet connection.

#2 Can I log onto the online courses from my iPad or smartphone as well?
Yes, sure. You can follow the online courses from any tablet and smartphone.

#3 How can I register for the online courses?
Click on the orange buttons to purchase.

#4 How long will I have to wait to watch the online course after registering?
If you pay with a credit card or PayPal, you will immediately get the online course in your Personal Area. If you pay through bank transfer, you will get the online course after your payment has been confirmed.

#5 For how long the course will be available to me?
You will be able to see videos in your personal area in an unlimited way as long as the platform is online.
If you have chosen to pay in installments of the course will be available immediately already with the payment of the first installment, non-payment of even one of the following rate will prevent the fruition of the course until the payment of the installments suspended will fail.

#6 How does Money Back Guarantee work?
For any reason, if you are not satisfied, you can ask for a complete refund within 30 days from your purchase.

#7 Who can I call for assistance?
If you need technical assistance to log in and watch the online courses, contact My Life with an email to [email protected] or you can call the phone number + 39 0541 341038 from Monday to Thursday, from 10 am to 6 pm and Friday, from 10 am to 2 pm (Italian time). My Life srl is in Italy and their help desk is provided both in Italian and English.

This online course contains the teachings and ideas of the author related to the topic addressed in the course. With the course neither the authors nor the publisher intend to dispense medical advice as a form of treatment of physical problems. The intent of the authors and the publisher is to offer general information to support you in the search for physical, emotional and spiritual well-being; in no way should the online course be intended as a substitute for diagnosis and medical treatments. In case of potential and / or ascertained physical ailments, please consult your doctor before using the information contained in the course. The authors and the editor decline any responsibility deriving from the application you intend to make of the material proposed in the course for yourself or third parties. The online course will be active and usable in your Personal Area in an unlimited way as long as the platform is online.

All rights reserved. Reproduction by any means is prohibited, except with the prior authorization of the Publisher.

Dr. Roy Martina

Dr. Roy Martina is a renowned European holistic medical doctor, a profilic bestselling author (85 books), Business & Life Coach and Trainer/Speaker. One of his biggest international best-selling books is Emotional Balance (Hay-House).

He has worked and taught workshops with Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, Eric Pearl, Masaro Emoto and many others. He has developed many new holistic therapies such as Omega Healing and Remote Chi (Distance Healing). He has developed over a 1000 natural remedies sold in USA, China and Europe.

He has been a Holistic Doctor for 40 years and has taught over 250,000 therapists, doctors, managers and laypersons his techniques; millions of his 84 books have been sold. Keynote Speaker: He is a world-renowned keynote speaker at conferences and seminars worldwide, and lectures throughout Europe, South and North America, Mexico, Russia, Taiwan, China and the Caribbean.

He works closely with his wife Joy Martina Ph.D., a psychic psychologist, Master Hypnotist, & Rapid Change Coach and Business Oracle. They reside in Asheville, North Carolina (USA).

Current projects:

Heart Healing revolution: Joy and Roy started the Heart Healing Revolution, a revolutionary practical approach to spirituality that is easy to do for everyone and leads to improves life quality and understanding the basic principles of spirituality and oneness.

Christallin Oracle Certification Training: This international training is to certify individuals in what are considered to be psychic skills, like channeling, astral traveling, remote viewing, shamanic journeys, advanced meditation and healing skills in Italy. See


Dr. Joy Martina

Dr. Joy Martina is a psychic psychologist and Angel Celebrity Coach with an otherworldly ability to ‘see’ what you don’t even see in yourself, turn deep seated limiting belief on its head and offer swift transformation so that you can claim your power and start living the life you were meant to live. 

Joy’s methods are decidedly a little woo, yet based in tangible science backed results. She commands crowds worldwide into the thousands, proving that woo works! While she takes her work very seriously, she always leads with the objective of having fun, creating joy and spreading love. 

Joy has authored many books including her most recent bestseller, “How to Use Your Intuition to Change Your Life” and new book called “Angels for Empowerment”. She has spent decades researching Intuition and uses this as the guiding force for the transformative work she does to help others step into their truth and create a life in alignment with their highest good.

Unlimited vision

This product is currently unavailable

Available also in 5 installments
Click on "Buy Now" and choose your option:

• € 297 in one solution
• 5 monthly installments of € 67 each

For further information call My Life at 0541 341 038
or write an email to [email protected]

Soddisfatti o rimborsati

If you are not completely satisfied within 30 days of your purchase,
My Life will issue a full refund, no questions asked.

Joy and Roy Martina collaborated with:

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